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  • joannalemon

Clinical Sexology

Aktualisiert: 6. Dez. 2021

Have you watched "Sex education" or "Masters of Sex"? All aspects of human sexuality captivate me, as I firmly believe that enjoying a fulfilling sex life is a crucial element in couples´ relationships, sadly often not taught nor discussed openly- questions such as how sex impacts on one´s relationship, how our relationship influences sexuality, what partners miss, what couples love....

I have studied many aspects of sexuality (with Ifes : Institut für embodiment und Sexologie - through the principles of Sexocorporel), I have read many professional manuals that guide me in asking relevant questions to anyone wanting to better understand their sexuality.

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Couples may wish to see me on my own - or with two therapists at an extra cost of 50 euro per session. 
I will first invite you to tell me everything, interrupting whenever the same ground is trodden - the aim being to break a mould that might have become a little too snug for one of the partners, or for both. We can discuss conflicts, sexuality, family matters and cultural upbringing, past experiences but primarily present issues. We can hold the session bilingually if need be. 


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